Peaks to Plains: The Campout Vol. 1

It's over.  You missed it.  It was awesome, and you missed it.  But don't worry, because Vol. 2 is coming, and it's going to be awesomer and you're invited.


peaks to plains: the campout vol. 2

Whether or not you’re taking part in the Peaks to Plains Mileage Challenge, you are invited to join us on our second annual campout.  

If you were there the first time, you know it's going to be rad.  If you weren't, take our word for it.  


To be determined.

Is there a charge?

Yes, but we don't know what it'll be yet.  We can promise that it'll be low, and only go towards camping fees. We’re not here to make money on this thing.

Who can come?

Anyone and Everyone. 

What will the campsite have?

Depending on final location, it could have full facilities, or if could have only what you bring with you.  We'll update when we know more.

What kind of bikes?

Literally anything.  We do have people who will be driving and trailering their dirtbikes, we’ll have people on dual sports and ADV riders, probably a side-car rig or two.  Sport bikes to choppers, if you can ride it, and it’ll make it, we’ll see you there.

What kind of activities will there be?

We're not camp counselors, so don't expect us to plan your fun for you.  Here's the fun we've planned for you:

Friday night:
Get to the site and party.

Ride and shit.
Games of skill, including knife throwing, slow races, ride the pine, and the pickle-dangle
Sundown - IF we can get it to work, we'll show a rad biker film via projector

Sunday :

Will there be any rules?

There will be no rules, except for the following rules:

•   No Colors.  This is an ALL-INCLUIVE event, in every sense of that term. The idea is to celebrate our community as a whole rather than separate groups out of it.

•   No guns. 

•   Your survival is your own responsibility.  Have your shit tight, both your gear and your bike.

•   The chase truck is for emergencies only.  It’s not your personal sherpa.  Strap your gear down.

•   We ask that you leave the site CLEANER than it was before you got there.  We want to represent the best aspects of motorcycling, and we want to have this event again.

•   No riding in the campsite after 10:00.  We are NOT the only people in this part of the forest, and the last thing we need is a noise complaint and being kicked out because you wanted to do a burnout at 2:00 AM.

•   Have fun, but be safe.  Don’t die, and don’t drink and ride. 

•   Don’t be a dick. Please, do not be a dick.